This product is shareware. If you use it for more than 15 days, you must pay $10.00 to become a registered user. When you register, I will send you a registered copy of Genius to your e-mail address. If you do not have access to the internet, add $5.00 to the registration fee for shipping and handling of disk(s).
As a registered user, you have the license to actively own two copies of the product: one for backup, and one for general use. Send checks by mail to:
Attn: Viperware Registration
2922 Atchison Circle
Lawrence KS, 66047
Checks should be addressed to "Jeremy Vineyard".
I hereby explicitly grant permission to distribute the software for non-profit use without prior written notice, providing that the software is not modified in any way, and that the complete works of the software are included in the distribution package. I hereby grant permission to distribute this product for profit without my prior written consent as long as I am notified of the distribution before it occurs.
I am not responsible for any damage to your computer system, data, or business as a direct or indirect result of this product.